France, Ille-et-Vilaine (35), Paimpont, étang et abbaye de Paimpont// France, Ille-et-Vilaine, Paimpont, pond and abbey of Paimpont©Emmanuel BerthierAbbaye de PaimpontTout d’abord simple prieuré fondé au VIIe siècle après JC, l’Abbaye est devenue aujourd’hui l’un des plus imposants bâtiments religieux du pays de Brocéliande… Read morePorche de Paimpont, Brocéliande. Bretagne©Simon BourcierPaimpontLocated in the heart of the forest of Broceliande and its legends, the town of Paimpont conceals many natural and historical sites.Read moreVillage des forges de Paimpont. Brocéliande, Bretagne©SPL Brocéliande tourismethe Forges of PaimpontIn the heart of the Broceliande forest, an important iron deposit and the existence of a dense hydrographic network have allowed the development of this authentic...Read more
Les Escapades de JulieJulie Beaumanoir proposes escapades in the forest of Broceliande to discover tales and legends.Read more©Anne-Cécile Estèvethe Gardens of BroceliandeAt the gates of the forest, explore the 24 hectares of greenery of the Gardens of Broceliande: plant collections, sensory trails and fun activities...Read moreLocmine Office De Tourisme ® E. Berthier 2016©Emmanuel BerthierContact and opening hours of Brocéliande – Paimpont Tourist OfficeStep through the looking glass, into the wonderful world of Broceliande, and let our local tourist offices guide you. Read more16A1767 king arthur bd©16A1767 king arthur bdWellness and SPAMassage, yoga, spa, forest bath ... find here the magic formula to take care of yourself. Read moregeocaching - trésors de haute bretagner©geocaching - trésors de haute bretagner|©marc OllivierGeocachingHave fun exploring Brocéliande with geocaching! Read moreFrance, Ille-et-Vilaine (35), Paimpont, étang et abbaye de Paimpont// France, Ille-et-Vilaine, Paimpont, pond and abbey of Paimpont©Emmanuel BerthierPaimpont AbbeyOriginally a simple priory founded in the 7th century A.D., the Abbey is now one of the most imposing religious buildings in the Brocéliande region… Read moreweekend©pressmaster - FotoliaFishingThe fishing in Brocéliande is sure to be good… as long as you’ve got a fishing licence! Read moreImage Sacree Broceliande Lapplication V8©Image Sacree Broceliande Lapplication V8Sacrée Brocéliande: the applicationAny visitor wishing to discover the legends of Brocéliande while touring the region's emblematic sites needs to immerse themselves in the universe, with all the essential...Read more©Emmanuel BerthierThe Castle of TrécessonSumptuous medieval castle, made of red schist, located on the edge of the forest of Broceliande. Mysteries and legends surround Trécesson.Read more