
Concoret typical village of Broceliande

Situated on the edge of the forest of Broceliande, in Gallo country, the commune of Concoret, labeled commune of the rural heritage of Brittany, is a peaceful village characterized by its red schist stone. This typical architecture gives a beautiful harmony to the place.

Cradle of Legend

Concoret has the imprint of Broceliande. The cradle of Arthurian legend has taken up residence here with the Centre de l’Imaginaire Arthurien, which presents at the Comper Castle shows, exhibitions animations and conferences part of the year. In winter, the small house of legends opens its doors in the heart of the village for lovers of fantasy and medieval literature. It is even said that the crystal castle where Viviane would have locked up Merlin would be at the bottom of the lake of Viviane in Comper.

A remarkable natural heritage

It is the ancestor of the township and allows itself to be pampered to remain so for a few more years. The chêne à Guillotin, 1000 years old according to legend, is the ambassador of Concoret and its history attracts many curious people. But it is not alone because many classified trees are to be admired: the oak of Arthus and the oak of Merlin in Comper which make the pleasure of the visitors the summer, come to listen to storytellers and harpists, the cormier, the yew and the oak of the meadows in Chesnard or still the oak near the cemetery. It must be said that the environment holds a prominent place in Concoret and that the protection of natural sites is paramount.

A preserved local heritage

The Centre permanent d’Initiative pour l’Environnement (CPIE de Brocéliande) is installed in the heart of the village and works to set up environmental education actions for all publics as well as to accompany territories for a sustainable local development. Biodiversity is at the heart of the concerns of the municipality, which has obtained the label starred cities and villages. “Busy trail” initiated by the CPIE and local artists as well as many hiking trails allow you to discover the local natural and cultural heritage: remarkable trees, megalithic sites, ancient Roman road, legendary sites…



Tourist Office of Ploërmel Community – Tréhorenteuc site
Place abbé Gillard – 56430 Tréhorenteuc
Tel : 02 97 22 36 43
E-mail :

In the vicinity Discover the other must-sees of Destination Brocéliande
