GAEC des Ecotones The products are: milk, yoghurt (plain, vanilla strawberry drink), cottage cheese, rice pudding, fresh cream, butter, ribot milk, fresh cheese. Guer
La Ferme de la Bruyère Marketing: - Lices market in Rennes on Saturday morning - Guer market on Wednesday morning - biocoop scarabée (Rennes-Cleunay) and biocoop sève (Guer) - baskets at the farm on reservation, with deposit at the bakery of La Mie qui Chante in Guer - clic ta berouette Guer
Épicerie Pensée Locale Pensée Locale is a local shop offering products from local production to help you discover the gastronomic heritage and know-how of local producers. They tend to participate in the economic and social effort of our region that each of us is called to provide for a sustainable food and environment. P... Guer