France, Morbihan (56), Ploermel, la maison des MarmousetsFrance, Morbihan (56), Ploermel, la maison des Marmousets
©Emmanuel Berthier

Discover Ploërmel and its surroundings

Favorite vacation spot of the Dukes of Brittany, Ploërmel has managed to preserve this heritage. The city is full of architectural and cultural curiosities as well as small original stores. It is also a popular destination for lovers of sports and nature. An ideal place for tourism. What to do, what to visit, where to sleep, where to eat in Ploërmel and its surroundings, the answer is here!

Nature and escape

Ploërmel is a real hotspot for soft traffic routes. Two greenways, the Nantes to Brest canal just a stone’s throw away, and bike-walking loops represent a real argument for itinerant stays or family rides.

A leisure site par excellence, le lac au Duc borders the city and offers a multitude of activities: water sports club, golf, equestrian center, fishing, gliding and microlighting, children’s games or hiking, there is something for everyone.

A remarkable conservatory is also the pride of the city. It is the hortensia circuit which is adorned with blue, white and pink every summer along a very bucolic 3 km circuit. And for enthusiasts of this flower, a symbol of Brittany, a specialized pepinière located just a short distance away is a true paradise with more than 750 varieties.

History and culture

The cultural richness of Ploërmel cannot be demonstrated as the city is so marked by its history. Through the cobbled streets of the old quarter, the former ducal city leads you to the remains of fortifications built in the 12th century, the hotel of the Dukes of Brittany which faces the astonishing house of the Marmosets, carved with eccentric characters, as well as some beautiful houses of character such as the bigarrée house or the hotel Raoul de la Houlle.

Alongside the sword bearers, some churchmen brought their stone to the charm of Ploërmel and its surroundings. First of all, Armel, the founding saint of the city, had the right to his altar. In the 16th century, this simple building was transformed into an imposing church of flamboyant Gothic and Renaissance style. Its north portal astonishes with the elegance and luxury of its ornamentation, while the stained glass window of the Tree of Jesse is pierced by a shimmering light.

As for Jean-Marie de la Mennais and his congregation, they knew how to popularize science by leaving behind a precious work: Brother Bernardin’s astronomical clock. Thanks to a high-precision mechanism and a clever assembly of dials and planets, time runs out in a perpetual motion. The museum space completes this work. A true object lesson is offered as you walk through the doors of the natural history museum. The life of Jean-Marie de la Mennais is traced in a second museum dedicated entirely to him.

Magic and legends

Just a stone’s throw from the mythical forest of Broceliande, Ploërmel is a land of legends but also of festivals. By combining the two, Ploërmel community has given birth to two major festivals. One in spring with Brocéliande Sport Nature. The other one in autumn, around the night of Samhain, this day located out of time, announcing the dark months. Brocéliande Fantastic celebrates imagination and culture in all its forms with concerts and shows.

Ploërmel is also a carnival almost a century old. A true institution, floats and bands parade tirelessly every year in May during a daytime carnival and a nighttime parade.

In practice :
– discover the city through these two walking tours ICI

Office de tourisme de JosselinOffice de tourisme de Josselin


Tourist Office of Ploërmel Community – site of Ploërmel
15 rue Beaumanoir – 56800 PLOERMEL
Tel : 02 97 22 36 43

In the vicinity Discover the other must-sees of Destination Brocéliande
