Call Église de Saint-Léry HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT This small church in the village of Saint-Léry is worth a visit, particularly for its sculptures and bas-reliefs around the archway of the entrance door. The church dates from the 14th or 15th century. Free admission, open every day from 9am to 4pm. 02 97 22 36 43 Saint-Léry
Call Mégalithe du Jardin aux Moines HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT The "Jardin aux Moines" is a megalithic site located on a Neolithic complex called "Buttes aux Tombes". This monument appears as a set of stone blocks of pudding-quartz and purple schist, forming a trapezium about 25m long and 5 to 6m wide. First found in writings from 1825, archaeological excavat... 02 97 93 04 63 Néant-sur-Yvel
Les Nouveaux Chevaliers de la Table Ronde INTERPRETATION CENTRE Enter the legend! In the shade of century-old trees, on the Saint Michel knoll, stands an XXL round table of new knights! In 2021, King Arthur was the first to sit at this monumental table, followed by Keu (Kay) and Gauvain (Gawain), then Perceval and Girflet. Will you recognise them? Many other val... Néant-sur-Yvel
Call Le mystérieux Val sans Retour The Val sans Retour, the entrance to which is located in Tréhorenteuc, is one of the most beautiful parts of the Broceliande forest, a place of legends in an enchanting setting! "Enter this domain where the fairy Morgane, half-sister of King Arthur, locked up unfaithful men, and where only the knig... 02 97 22 36 43 Tréhorenteuc
Call Fresque des légendes INTERPRETATION CENTRE Artist Jim Colorex was given carte blanche to paint the exterior of La Maison de Manon restaurant in Brignac, a small village in Brocéliande! In 2017, the artist painted the region's built and intangible heritage: after a great deal of research, the artist wanted to highlight the little-known treas... 02 97 70 50 95 Brignac
Call Le Chêne à Guillotin, millénaire ! It is said to be 1000 years old... Remarkable for its size (nearly 10m in circumference), this pedunculate oak is the most spectacular of the large trees in the Brocéliande forest. The ancestor has been hollow for centuries. Its name comes from Abbé Guillotin, a priest who took refuge in it at the... 02 97 22 36 43 Concoret
Call Église de Tréhorenteuc dite "du Graal" HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT The church of Tréhorenteuc, modest in appearance and located in the heart of the small village which allows access to the Val sans Retour, gives visitors new keys to approach the Christian way of life. In 1942 Abbot Gillard was appointed rector of Tréhorenteuc and to give a spiritual life back to h... 02 97 22 36 43 Tréhorenteuc
Call Le Tombeau des Géants HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT 02 97 22 36 43 Campénéac Free Best price guaranteed Best price guaranteed without commision by Destination Brocéliande
Call Les Chênes creux de Kernéant These three hollow (and very much alive!) oaks, classified as Remarkable Trees in 2000 by the Conseil Général du Morbihan, stand next to the chapel of the same name. These patriarchs would be between 250 and 300 years old. - Free visit - The chapel, visible from the outside, dates from the 15th-16th... 02 97 22 36 43 Néant-sur-Yvel