Call Les Fermiers Sablé Les Fermiers Sablé dairy farm transforms its milk into delicious ice creams, buches, verrines and sorbets, in classic or unusual flavours from Brittany, such as buckwheat ice cream or Eclats sablés ice cream. The farm offers quality, home-made products with a "Bleu Blanc Coeur" and "Merci les algues... 02 97 74 44 79 Guilliers
Les jardins du chat qui rit The vegetables here are in season, often multicoloured, grown in the open ground without single-use plastics, and of course without pesticides because they're organic! You can find the full range at the weekly sale, by the La Basse Chapelle roundabout, on Saturday mornings from 10am to 12.30pm. Bas... Val d'Oust
Call Brasserie Lancelot Inspired by Breton history and Celtic legends, the Lancelot Brewery is one of the first Breton breweries to have been created in 1990 in Brittany, in a manor house built at the time of the Duchess Anne, where Bernard Lancelot elaborates a honey beer flavoured with seven plants: the Cervoise... This... 02 97 74 74 74 Val d'Oust
Call La ferme de Coëtbily The new Coëtbily farm offers organic market garden produce. Cabbages, leeks, carrots, tomatoes - depending on the season, you can find their produce at the farm, at the market in La Trinité-Porhoët (Tuesday afternoons from May to October) and to order in winter! The farm shop is open on Tuesdays (5p... 06 25 09 11 33 Ménéac