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In the land of legends, upright stones have a place of honor, especially here in Monteneuf, which lists over 400 menhirs. The legend suggests that other giants are still hidden. The proof is, many excavations are in progress… a game of hide and seek which still reserves us many surprises. To discover the less shy stones, all you need is a little family walk through moors and woods to take a lot of eyes.
To this day, many questions are asked about Monteneuf and about menhirs in general. The Centre Les Landes, which manages the site, is there to try to answer the questions and to sensitize the visitors in a playful and educational way with tools more real than nature. For example, a few meters from the stones, there is a reconstructed Neolithic house and a cereal garden to learn all about the life of the time. A great opportunity to understand why and how. For game enthusiasts, the Landes Center offers a treasure hunt to discover the site of the straight stones while having fun.
What better way to learn and understand life in the past than to get your hands dirty!?! A few steps from the menhirs, workshops are organized for an immersion in prehistoric times. On the program: discovery of techniques to move a menhir, handle tools or make pottery. For the most daring (or the most chilly) a fire lighting workshop is proposed. For young and old, the site of the Menhirs de Monteneuf is freely accessible all year long.
Le Centre Les Landes
Rue des Menhirs, 56380 MONTENEUF
Tel :
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