Ecuries des 4 routes SPORTS ACTIVITIES From dressage to show jumping, via voltige and cross-country, all stages of learning are offered, from Shetland to horse. Lessons are given all year round, outside the school holidays, in the arena or in the riding school. Many complementary formulas are available, so that everyone can find a soluti... Iffendic
Livret de découverte - Au fil de l'eau CULTURAL ACTIVITY The tourist office provides free discovery booklets to accompany you on your walk, available at the tourist office at Lac de Trémelin or for download at Here, the walk starts from the church of Bédée, follow the path that will lead you to the Blavon, passing by the medieval ga... Bédée
Chasse aux trésors au vallon de la Chambre au Loup SPORTS ACTIVITIES A treasure is to be found in the moors of the Vallon de la Chambre au Loup. Cartesian minds should refrain, as this place is full of mystery! Looking for adventure? Download the free mobile application "Treasures of Upper Brittany" available on smartphone. It opens the doors to a gigantic treasure... Iffendic