Val without return 02168©PORIEL ThibaultVal without return 02168©PORIEL Thibault
©The Valley of No Return, the Rock of False Lovers|Thibault Poriel
Trehorenteuc and the legend begins...


The least populated commune in Morbihan after the island of Hoedic, Tréhorenteuc nonetheless attracts many visitors each year. And for good reason… privileged gateway to the forest of Broceliande, Tréhorenteuc is the cradle of the quest for the Grail and a must for anyone who wants to discover the legendary side of the forest.

Preserved rural commune

Enclosed by moors and the hills of the Val sans Retour, Tréhorenteuc has a charm typical of the region. The buildings bear the mark of red schist, the red of the earth so characteristic of this region. The legend of the fairy mirror tells that it would be in fact the blood of the fairies, slaughtered by their young sister, which would have spread in the valley and would have given this purple color to the earth.In the heart of this village proudly thrones the small church of Sainte-Onenne or more commonly called “Church of the Grail“. Abbot Gillard made it an enigmatic site by combining myths and religions in one place and deciphering all these symbols makes its discovery fascinating.Tréhorenteuc is labeled Rural Heritage Commune of Brittany. This label aims to protect and enhance the architectural and landscape heritage of villages.

The Valley of No Return

At the exit of the village, a path leads to the undergrowth. We follow the smell of humus, the song of birds, to reach the bottom of the valley where the golden tree stands majestically. It is there that the legend begins which knows how to be discreet: a pond, a rocky touch, roots. And what seems to be only the reflection of an abundant and harmonious nature, hides in fact stories of epic fights, betrayals and mischievous creatures around the fairy mirror, the rock of the false lovers or the seat of Merlin. The climb to the promontory overlooking the valley is certainly challenging but the view is worth the detour. The Valley of No Return gives pride of place to the praise of slowness and to poetic and dreamy souls.

The Cradle of Legend

At Tréhorenteuc, from April to the beginning of September, the guide-storytellers make the visitor discover the natural sites of the Broceliande forest while immersing him or her in legendary tales. From the village, it is possible to walk to the sites of the jardin aux Moines, the miroir aux Fées, the rocher des Faux-Amants, Merlin’s seat, the hôtié de viviane or the arbre d’Or, work of François Davin. A full program of storytelling walks is offered by the tourist office in coordination with the guide-storytellers.For children, Merlin’s Hideout makes you discover all the magic of the wizard’s lair thanks to its wizard school.
