cité de caractère, canal de Nantes à Brest, château, Josselin, Morbihan, Bretagne
©cité de caractère, canal de Nantes à Brest, château, Josselin, Morbihan, Bretagne |Emmanuel Berthier
Josselin, a medieval town For a jump in the past

Josselin, a thousand year old city

Built on a rocky spur dominating the valley of the Oust in the 11th century, Josselin has a thousand-year-old history that has left its mark on that of Brittany. There is a peaceful atmosphere in this small city of character where the strength of the architectural heritage enters in perfect harmony with the softness of a very present nature.

A medieval suburb

All the medieval charm of the city can be found in its historic district where you can find narrow cobbled streets, numerous half-timbered houses (the oldest dates back to 1538) and a few private mansions. An interpretation circuit allows you to discover the secrets of its architecture and also leads to the right bank of the Oust, in the Sainte-Croix district. The small city of character is also a source of inspiration for the art craftsmen, of which a dozen exhibit their creations.

A majestic building

Considered one of the most beautiful castles in Brittany, the Chateau de Josselin has been owned by the De Rohan family for over 1,000 years. It offers a remarkable testimony of feudal architecture with its three imposing towers overlooking the Oust valley.
Its interior facade offers a striking contrast with its dormer windows and balustrades adorned with sculptures marking the Renaissance period. French garden, English park and rose garden add to the refinement of this prestigious building.

A miraculous statue

Local history tells that a ploughman found a statue of the Virgin while cultivating his land. This one caused his blind daughter to regain her sight. To celebrate this miracle, The Notre-Dame-du-Roncier Basilica became the shrine of this tradition and remains an important place of pilgrimage today.

Originally Romanesque in architecture, the building, dating from the 11th century, was remodeled over time to become today a very fine example of the flamboyant Gothic style of the late 15th century.
Its organs, a true jewel of local heritage, regularly resound during concerts, while its bell tower offers a breathtaking view of the castle and the surrounding countryside.

At the water’s edge

On the nature side, Josselin has plenty to seduce as well. First with the canal where walkers and cyclists can survey a lively towpath and take advantage of the many boats on the river quay to stroll in the middle of a postcard landscape. Along the Minette, the love wood lends itself willingly to a bucolic stroll along the water, where playful path around the fauna and flora, rhododendron conservatory and bamboo grove enchant young and old.

A festive city

Every two years, the national holiday takes a slightly special turn in Josselin. Indeed, the city takes a leap in time and relives, for a day, in the medieval era. Knights, acrobats, fantastic creatures, troubadours, craftsmen… bring to life a city that shines with fire and lives to the rhythm of the shows. But the festivities do not stop there since all summer long animations enchant the onlookers, especially during the concerts of Festiv’été.

Office de tourisme de JosselinOffice de tourisme de Josselin


Tourist Office of Ploërmel Community – Josselin site
1 rue Georges Le Berd – 56120 JOSSELIN
Tel : 02 97 22 36 43

In the vicinity Discover the other must-sees of Destination Brocéliande
