Bringing the legend to life
Broceliande and its legends inevitably lead back to the Arthurian legend and the Knights of the Round Table. The story of this legendary order, charged with leading King Arthur’s quest for the Grail, has been the subject of many stories but is mostly passed on orally by the storytellers of Broceliande during walks, vigils or storytelling hikes. And to make these stories more real, enthusiasts have decided to bring them to life through a work of art to “Enter the legend!”
A monumental work
In the shade of century-old trees, stands, on the mound Saint Michael, a large round table of the new knights! Currently, only King Arthur, Keu and Gauvain sit at this monumental table … and soon other valiant companions of the quest for the Grail will join them … This exceptional project is supported by the association New Knights of Broceliande. The vision was entrusted to the talented painter and sculptor from Ploërmel, Mickaël Thomazo who revisited the Arthurian legend.
Free access.
Important! As with all works of art, visitors are asked to respect the sculpture by simply admiring it with their eyes! It is forbidden to climb on the slab and to touch the work.