The tourist map La Gacilly – Malestroit – MonteneufDownload brochureLe guide Hébergement Télécharger la brochureThe Guide RestaurantsDownload brochureThe Guide Local ProducersDownload brochureThe PMR Guide. People with limited mobilityDownload brochure
The LLac de Tremelin & purple countryDownload Lake BrochureLe plan du Lac de Trémelin & pays pourpréTélécharger le plan du LacLe guide des restaurants aux Lac de Trémelin & pays pourpréTélécharger la brochureThe Accommodation Guide to Tremelin Lake & Purple Country Download BrochureThe Producers & Creators Guide to Tremelin Lake & Purple CountryDownload Brochure
Broceliande Forest Accommodationsconsult the brochureRestoration in Broceliande Forestdownload brochurethe Agenda of Eventsdownload brochure
An inter-generation family play at the "Auberge des voyajoueurs" with society games©BERTHIER EmmanuelAuberge des VoyajoueursL'auberge des Voyajoueurs is a paradise for pawn addicts, dice fanatics and game enthusiasts! An interlude that creates memories.Damenora Credit Carole Argentin Domino Studios©Damenora Credit Carole Argentin Domino StudiosDamenoraDamenora has appropriated the legend of Broceliande like no one else and invites you into her universe, which is full of darkness but also of benevolence and gentleness.©France, Morbihan (56), Josselin, le château // France, Morbihan, Josselin, the castle|Emmanuel BerthierThe castle of JosselinThe castle of Josselin is a must-see in Brittany and fits perfectly into the small city of character.©Emmanuel BerthierThe Grail ChurchA unique church dedicated to the legend of the Grail in the heart of Brocéliande. It brings together Celticism, Christianity and stories of chivalry.Rue de la Saulnerie - Montfort ©Office de tourismeMontfort-sur-MeuA stone's throw from the Breton capital, Montfort-sur-Meu has preserved its cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, purple schist residences and the medieval remains of the...Sentier sonore - The Landes of Monteneuf (July 2016), heather©BERTHIER EmmanuelMonteneufThe imagination in Monteneuf has no limit between giants and korrigans the village is a promise of wonderful encounters.Visite Broceliande Cia ©emmanuel Berthier©Emmanuel BerthierWhat to visit?How to visit the forest of Broceliande? Sites to visit and storytelling walks, discover our perfect program!Boutavent Vu Du Ciel©Lisa KorriganeThe Domaine de BoutaventUnder the slopes and on the edge of the forest of Brocéliande, play the archaeologist and try to understand the history of the Château de Boutavent!©Ploërmel CommunautéThe Round Table of KnightsThe Round Table of Knights is a work of art created by Mickaël Thomazo©cité de caractère, canal de Nantes à Brest, château, Josselin, Morbihan, Bretagne |Emmanuel BerthierJosselin, a thousand year old cityAt the foot of the Nantes-Brest canal, Josselin is a Breton must-see. Remarkable castle, basilica, medieval streets, a city of character.©Anne-Cécile Estèvethe Gardens of BroceliandeAt the gates of the forest, explore the 24 hectares of greenery of the Gardens of Broceliande: plant collections, sensory trails and fun activities...Poète ferrailleur Vue D'ensemble des œuvres de Robert Coudray ©Sebastien LAURENTL’univers du Poète FerrailleurThe universe of the Poète Ferrailleur is an enchanting place, a place where dozens of offbeat and ingenious objects come alive, rustle and dance.
Où dormir ?Where to eat?What to do?AgendaHotelBed and BreakfastRental/GuesthouseUnusual AccommodationCampingAire de camping-carsPour les groupesAll accommodationsRestaurant traditionnelPizzériaBrasserieCrêperieSalon de théProduits locauxAll restaurantsHeritageLeisureHikingOutdoor ActivitiesCraftAll activitiesAll events