Bobee & Cie

Cultural activity, Needlework in Montfort-sur-Meu
Bobbe and cieOT Montfort Communauté
la cane qui coud 2Nadège Priour
la cane qui coudNadège Priour
la cane qui coud 3Nadège Priour
  • The products are handmade, upcycled (from recycled fabrics) or made of organic cotton. Nadège, a Breton and a graphic designer who does everything in her other life, is also a zero-waste facilitator with La Cane qui coud. Nadège, from the Var region of France and a carer in another life, works for a transition towards an environmentally friendly way of consumption.

    Their products can be found online, or in several shops such as the Maison Vrac in Montfort.
  • Spoken languages
    • French