Brasserie Akène

in Saint-Léry
brasserie_akene_SaintLery_DestinationBrocéliande© Brasserie Akène
  • Small brewery producing beers with a distinctive style since 2020. Production in bottles and casks.
    Our beers can be found in delicatessens, cellars and local produce shops:
    Chez Hortense in Guilliers
    Terroir et Compagnie in Plélan le Grand
    Le clos du moulin in Mauron
    Du pré au panier in Concoret
    At the Oust market (La Chapelle-Caro) and at the summer market in Tréhorenteuc.
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • From April 1, 2024 until October 31, 2024