La Tour Papegault

Historic site and monument, Battlements, Tower in Montfort-sur-Meu
Tour Papegaut Montfort sur Meu Petite Cité de Caractère© Office de tourisme de Montfort Communauté
Vue panoramique sur la tour de Papegault et l'Eglise St Louis Marie Grignion - Montfort - ©Office de Tourisme© Office de tourisme de Montfort Communauté
Tour Papegaut Montfort sur Meu Petite Cité de Caractère© Office de tourisme de Montfort Communauté
Vue depuis la tour Papegaut© Office de tourisme de Montfort Communauté
  • It owes its name to a contest for archers and crossbowmen, where the target was a colored bird placed at the top of this tower.
    It also used to be a prison in the XIXth and XXth centuries.
    The Tower is classified Historical Monument and cannot be visited but houses temporary exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Environment
    • In the town centre
    • Historic district
    • Close to shops
  • Accepted customers
    • Individuals
    • Groups
  • Activities
    • Temporary exhibitions