le Monde de Médèle, Katia Bessettele Monde de Médèle, Katia Bessette
©le Monde de Médèle, Katia Bessette
4 days to discover Broceliande with your family to make your children dream

Family adventures in Broceliande

Do your children love stories of fairies and korrigans? Merlin has no more secrets for them? then it’s time to put down your bags for a few days in this mythical place that is Destination Broceliande. In the heart of the legendary forest, we open the doors to fantastic sites where nature is king. From the famous Valley of No Return, home of the fairy Morgan, to the playful gardens of Broceliande where your senses are awakened, via the Ozégan trail in search of mischievous korrigans, you will not have a minute’s rest and your children will thank you!

Suggestion à réaliser en
4 days
From 138
par personne (adulte)

Day 1 – We’re telling you great stories.

– To start off the holiday in the best way possible, what better way than with a meeting with Merlin? So head to Merlin’s Hideaway for a first experience full of magic. Located in the oldest farmhouse in the village of Tréhorenteuc, a stone’s throw from the valley of no return, the magician’s lair opens its doors to discover the little theater of the forest, the dragon’s lair or even the wizard’s school where children can try out a few magic formulas!

– To immerse yourself in the world of the forest of Broceliande, put on your sneakers and head for the tourist office of Tréhorenteuc to meet your guide-storyteller. And let’s go for a storytelling walk in the valley of no return where legends of King Arthur, fairy tales and korrigans and stories of the forest will amaze you. So open your eyes and ears wide.

– Before going back to your accommodation, don’t hesitate to make a small detour to the abbey La Joie-Notre-Dame. You will be able to taste cookies and chocolates that will satisfy your taste buds.

-And after all these beautiful stories, it is time to join a really atypical place. In the middle of heather and gorse, the Rohan mill stands majestically in the heart of a flourishing nature. This cosy nest, which has kept all its authenticity, is bathed in an atmosphere of tales and legends. Equipped with all the necessary comfort, it is also ecological. Your nights should be enchanting!

Included in the day:

  • Tour of Merlin’s hideaway (duration 1h)
  • Told walk from the Valley of No Return to the Grail (duration 3h)
  • Unusual night at the Rohan Mill

We also recommend:

Day 2 – Deep in the Forest.

For this second day of discovery head for the pretty little village of Paimpont located in the middle of the forest. Enter the door of secrets and discover the scenography in the company of Pierre, a forest ranger. You should come out knowing nothing about the forest of Broceliande.

To stretch your legs, we suggest you go around the pond of Paimpont for 4 km of discovery of the fauna and flora while having fun crossing the footbridges and jumping from log to log following the dragonflies.

The unusual activity of the day is an immersion in the Great North. And yes, in Broceliande, it is possible to meet elks and sled dogs! So head to the Nordic farm to get acquainted with these endearing animals from the cold and enjoy a little ride in a carriage.


Included in the day:

  • Visit to the Gate of Secrets at Paimpont
  • Drawn carriage ride
  • Unusual overnight stay at the Rohan Mill

We also recommend:

Day 3 – Games and adventures between lake and gardens.

Now that you know all about the forest and Arthurian legends, we take you to the side of the lac de Trémelin. This leisure base is full of activities: stroll around the pond,exhibition at the Aparté, fishing, canoeing or pedal boat initiation, swimming,horse or pony riding, or accrobranche. The more adventurous can also try to pull Excalibur from the rock in which it has been trapped for centuries. A little further on, the valley of the Wolf Room offers a splendid view.

Then head to the gardens of Broceliande for sensory experiences in the four corners of the gardens. Barefoot or blind walk, parkabout, lilac collections, iris, Japanese garden, games for children, collection hens, in short 24 hectares of greenery and adventure. Without forgetting the animations with the summer festivals on Sundays in July and August and a funny gathering of dwarfs in September.

On the way back, if your cherubs are still bursting with energy, you can make a detour to le Carouj and its Breton games or the miniature port in Saint-Malon-de-Beignon.


Included in the day:

  • A accrobranch course at the lake of Trémelin
  • Tour of the gardens of Broceliande

We also recommend:

  • The valley of the wolf room
  • the Carouj in Monterfil
  • the miniature port

Day 4 – From prehistory to korrigans

Far from the crowd, we take you back in time among 420 imposing menhirs for a walk in the lande de Monteneuf. And to satisfy the curiosity of the little ones but also the grown-ups, prehisto workshops allow you to learn how to move a menhir without effort or to light a fire without a match. Would you like to know more?

After this fun and cultural stroll, we plunge you back into the imagination on the Ozegan’s Trail, king of the prankster korrigans. Equipped with the korricarte, keep your cool because our friends of the woods will try to make your head spin with all kinds of riddles. But don’t panic, this poetic stroll should enchant you.

A few steps away, a very special inn opens its doors and transports you to the land of games. With more than 800 games from all over the world, the voyajoueurs’ inn promises you a good time around board games, puzzle games or games of skill.

Included in the day:

  • Ozegan trail
  • Prehisto workshop at the Menhirs of Monteneuf

We also recommend:

  • the inn of voyajoueurs
Practical information