Portrait of David
David was born in Guer and, like all his paternal forebears, he felt deeply rooted in “his” country of Guer.
A genealogy buff, David realized after doing some research that his school friends were cousins, a family link connecting him to his classmates. The sedentary life of yesteryear has allowed this particularity which seems quiet to him in opposition to a world that moves too fast for him.
He became a bank employee after studying numbers but also biology and ecology. He tells stories of crosses, hollow paths, chapels, stones, trees of the country…
He weaves stories with all these ingredients to embody dates, lives, places and influences of simple people from the rural world.
He digs up a lot of old archives to go back to the source of daily life, and to make us discover the small history of Guer through many anecdotes.
In 2013, a publisher published “Memories in pictures”, an almost family album of postcards between 1890 and 1960 that he carefully collected.
David talks about the stones marked by the hand of man, a thoughtful way of which we have the prevalence. He is a fascinating enthusiast.
Text and photos © Eve Morcrette
To meet David, contact:
Accueil de Guer-Coetquidan
2, place de la gare – 56380 GUER
✆ 02 97 22 04 78