Portrait of Jean
Even as a child, Jean played around the Chapelle du Louya and life’s circumstances meant that he always stayed close to his roots. To this day, he lives just a few steps away from the building.
After a professional career in the nearby region of Saint Méen-le-Grand, Jean became a greeter. He answers with sympathy to the various requests of the visitors. He knows the Chapelle du Louya well. It is the strong point of the hamlet and an important social link. The “Friends of the Chapel”, of which he is a member, organize a Pardon there every year.
He would like his country to live.
Jean tells of what he calls the finds, four Neolithic stone axes and bronzes discovered by farmers and his family in the surrounding gardens.
He also likes to tell about the fauna, the flora, the history of the Point-Clos air camp with its numerous vestiges: a site created by the French army and managed by the administration of Coëtquidan and that he can show visitors. This place was occupied by the Germans then deserted in 1944 and since then has been taken over by the ONF.
For Jean, the small story is the basis for the big story.
Text and photos © Eve Morcrette
To meet Jean, contact:
Office de tourisme du Pays de Saint-Méen Montauban
5 rue de Gaël – 35290 SAINT-MEEN-LE-GRAND
✆ 02 99 09 58 04