Portrait of Jean-François
Jean-François, a former public works engineer in the administration is retired in Malestroit, then assistant in urban planning at the Malestroit City Hall.
Breton vagabond, born in Hennebont, he traveled through France for professional reasons before becoming a Malestroyan. 29 years ago, he and his wife fell in love with the city, which prevented them from leaving. Malestroit is “the pearl of the Oust in its green setting” …that means a lot.
Malestroit’s city center has a rich history of which Jean-François knows the secrets: from the Neolithic to the Gallo-Roman, from the wars of religions to the Middle Ages…
He likes to listen to tourists and adapts to all requests. The wealthy bourgeois city inspires him. For the past two years he has not hesitated to give impromptu cultural tours, inviting admiring tourists to listen to him.
Passionate, he admits to being a bit of a talker as he has so many stories to tell us.
Text and photos © Eve Morcrette
To meet Jean-François, please contact :
Malestroit Reception
6 place du Bouffay – 56140 MALESTROIT
✆ 02 97 75 45 35