Portrait of Jean-Pierre
A heritage architect and Quimper native, Jean-Pierre lived in Nantes before moving to St. Congard where he came to spend his vacations for 20 years.
He created an association there: “Les Bezoux de châtaignes”. Bezoux is the name given to the people from Nantes who used to come in the autumn with potato sacks to steal chestnuts, to the great displeasure of the inhabitants! So it became the name of these Nantais who came to settle in St-Congard.
Jean-Pierre will take you on a tour of the built heritage of Malestroit as well as the natural and historical heritage of his village.
Text Charlyne Buleux
To meet Jean-Pierre, contact:
Malestroit reception
6 place du Bouffay – 56140 MALESTROIT
✆ 02 97 75 45 35