Portrait of Martine
Martine is one of those women you spontaneously want to talk to. Smiling and discreet, she demonstrates that she loves to listen and share. Whether it’s talking about her region, culture, or small everyday things, the discussion promises to be pleasant.
Joyfully fighting individualism, Martine goes out to meet people. As a resident of La Gacilly, she wants to show visitors “nice corners”, to deliver explanations about the life of the country.
In her footsteps, seemingly private courtyards and passages become accessible. The path extends to the end of the flower alley, up the alley of the Furnaces to the sheepfold…
Text Annick André and photos © Eve Morcrette
To meet Martine, contact:
Accueil de la Gacilly
Le Bout du Pont – 56200 LA GACILLY
✆ 02 99 08 21 75