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Destination Broceliande

From 2013 to today, a look back at the structure’s creation, its missions and its team.

  • Ten tourist destinations to discover Brittany

To further improve the tourist attractiveness of Brittany, the Brittany Region has decided to promote ten tourist destinations. More in line with the reality of the tourist economy, these 10 Breton destinations are inspired by the discovery universes of holidaymakers themselves.

Brittany is a well-established destination, but a study by the Regional Observatory of Tourism revealed that tourists distinguish large Breton groups (confirmed or emerging): Gulf of Morbihan, Broceliande, Côtes de granit rose, Saint-Malo, Cornouaille, … The strategy of the regional authority to develop tourism has been based on this reality to draw a new tourist map of Brittany, in partnership with tourism stakeholders.

  • The organization of Destination Brocéliande

Destination Broceliande is the first Breton destination to be created. Officially launched in the spring of 2013, it is made up of 89 municipalities on two departments (Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan) grouped into 5 intercommunities: Brocéliande Community, Montfort Community, Community of Municipalities of St-Méen-Montauban, Oust to Brocéliande Community and Ploërmel Community. It has 154,657 inhabitants and includes more than 700 tourism professionals.

With the creation of a mixed syndicate on December 5, 2019, the 5 communities of communes are now at the helm of the destination supported by a team of 4 people. In collaboration with the 5 tourist offices of the territory, the team works on three main topics: the tourism development, the communication and marketing, and the commercialization.

Nos missions

Tourism development

  • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the destination-wide tourism development strategy and regional shared projects and seek funding
  • Contribute to the structuring of the tourism industry
  • Assisting in the emergence of local initiatives and the federation of actors


  • Coordinate the implementation of the communication & marketing strategy
  • Manage common tools and coordinate shared actions with tourist offices and/or departmental and regional partners: website, paper editions, public relations, social networks …
  • Contribute to the professionalization and inter-knowledge of the pros


  • Coordinate the implementation of the marketing strategy and destination-wide tourism product design
  • Facilitate thinking around business tourism
  • Contribute to the qualification of the offer and increase in skills of tourism providers

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